Our Story

We began as coworkers in a mainstream education atmosphere where we supervised approximately a combined 80 classrooms. We worked tirelessly trying to push against the norms of a traditional classrooms. Each day we would innovate new ways to give children more ownership over their learning and break out of the physical and mental four walls of a mainstream classroom environment. We received push back at every step but that didn’t stop us. We both coincidentally started our families at the same time. Once we each brought children into the world, we knew we had about five years to figure out what our children’s learning journey would look like. We knew it couldn’t be within the system we were currently working it. We knew it had to be something different, something extraordinary, something that would give our children the space to be the the strong and unique individuals they are! Then happen chance… Acton Academy! We spent hours researching and discovered this one-of-a-kind Education model that couldn’t have been more aligned with what we needed for our children. Now that we have this opportunity, we want to share it with everyone we can and are honored to extend an invitation to like minded families who want freedom for their children in their own learning journey!
Founders Bio
Lindsay Lipscomb
I always enjoy being around young children. I am the one at gatherings who always attracts all the little kids like the Pied Piper. It was inevitable that I would go into education. I earned my degree in both Early Childhood and Elementary Education. I taught everything from Alternative Education in Middle School to preschool, first in the classroom and later as an administrator. I love children and love teaching, but something was missing. I didn’t quite understand why I wasn’t fulfilled as I moved through these positions. After having children of my own, and reading books like ‘Dumbing us Down,’ ‘Unconditional Parenting’ and ‘Free to Learn,’ I finally realized I wasn’t satisfied because I was in a system that stifled children’s natural curiosity and joy. A system that didn’t respect or trust children. I stumbled across Acton at a turning point in my life, and haven’t thought about much else since. I am humbled and beyond grateful to have the chance to give this gift to my children and yours. 

I’m married to my rock, Rob, who got tears in his eyes when I had him read Courage to Grow as he imagined our girls having that opportunity. Our two girls are our inspiration, joy and reasons for multiple cups of coffee throughout the day. We try to spend as much time outdoors as possible, as it’s where we all find the most joy and peace. One of my 5 year old’s goals for 2022 is to ‘go creeking’ a lot. When we aren’t traipsing through streams or jumping in puddles, I love to read and create in a variety of mediums. I also dream of how we will make Axiom not only an ideal place for children to learn, but a place for parents to learn, create a community of support and alleviate some of the burden that is so heavy these days. I look forward to standing beside you on this journey!

Krista Molnar
The burning need to create a paradigm where children are respected as responsible individuals brought me to this part of my journey where I am so thrilled to be opening an Acton Academy! I believe children (and all people) have an intrinsic desire to be moral, productive, and passionately inquisitive if we can just get out of their way. My Master’s degree in Education and certification in both Early Childhood and Elementary Education afforded me thirteen plus years in public education as a teacher and as an administrator. Those years opened my eyes to major themes in the world of “educating” young children. Once I read the book Weapons of Mass Instruction by John Taylor Gatto there was no turning back! 

My husband Jon and I have two children ages 3 & 5.  As a family we love the outdoors! We spend almost all of our free time in the mountains hunting, fishing, hiking and adventuring no matter the weather. Creating an environment where mistakes are valued, progress and quality trump quantity, and kids work together is my dream learning experience for my children. The past few years have taught me so much about life and the world at large. I stand firm in my convictions; each and every person, young and old deserves liberty and the opportunity to find their purpose.

Winter Mack
I am a mother, a nature lover and childhood education reform enthusiast. I was homeschooled most of my education and I experienced the benefits of the unschooling method of education. My experience led me to want to homeschool my own children. Once I had my three boys, I quickly realized that staying home was not for us. These boys craved being outside and spending their days collaborating with other kids.

I started facilitating an outdoor program for 2-8 years old and through the training and guiding of that program I grew to love self directed education. I also experienced the benefits of learning outdoors. As my children grew older they needed a program that was more focused on elementary aged kids. With years of experience I worked with a friend to create a nature based co-op.

Lindsay saw my ad and enrolled her daughter. A few weeks later she handed me a copy of, “Courage to Grow,” and I was hooked. The light that was already starting to grow in my heart for innovative education for my boys now had a framework and model. I knew right away that this was where I needed to be and this was what I wanted for my children. When Lindsay and Krista asked if I would collaborate with them and be a partner and guide for the program I was beyond thrilled. I can’t wait for you and your family to join us in giving these young hero’s the education they deserve.

Learn Authentically. Fail Fearlessly. Live Purposefully
We are excited to learn more about what YOU want for your family
and if Axiom Academy could be the right fit.
More Information
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Step 2: Schedule a face to face meet and discuss with the founders of Axiom
Step 3: We will determine admissions within two weeks of Step 2
See our FAQ page for more information regarding tuition.